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CS 10 DHP Exam Review

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What is one thing you learned from "Living on $1"?
answers will vary
What could be the cost of being a "Conscientious Objector"?
beatings, jail, death
What does conscientious objection (or civil disobedience) mean?
We must refuse to follow and work to change unjust laws
Poverty is not only economical. Name another type of poverty
Relational/social or spiritual
There are 14 "Works of Mercy". The 7 Corporal Works of Mercy address people's ________ needs.
Physical or bodily
What is the difference between works of charity and works of justice?
Charity is immediate relief (give a man a fish) and Justice works to change the unjust situation (teach a man to fish)
What are the 3 components of the circle of action?
Awareness, Analysis, and Action
name 1 of the 7 principles of Catholic Social Teaching and explain what it means
1) Life and Dignity 2)Preferential Option 3)Solidarity 4)Dignity of work 5)Care for the Earth 6)Rights/Responsibilities 7) Call to family, comm, participation
A special right/advantage only available to some and are typically unearned, defines what term?
The 7 Themes of Catholic Social Teaching call us to address what?
Social Injustices
In our society, who could be considered "marginalized"?
children, elderly, sick, disabled, homeless, addicts, immigrants, etc.
What does marginalization mean?
to be excluded from the group, left out, sent away, ignored
Name 3 examples of "reverence for life" issues
abuse, abortion, rape, murder, bullying, human trafficking, viiolence
Explain what "reverence for life" means
To have the utmost respect and dignity for all life
Explain the main message in the Parable of the Good Samaritan
no matter who the other person is, if they need help we MUST help them
Explain what "the end does not justify the means" means
You can never do evil actions to get a good result (Robin Hood was in the wrong)
The 3 elements of action are object, _______ and __________
intention and circumstance
Who determines if something is moral or immoral
mental or moral qualities unique to an individual (similar to personality)
Complying with the will of another who has authority
An attitude or habit that leads us to do bad
An attitude or habit that leads us to do good
We are free to choose, but what are we NOT free from?
The consequences of our actions
What word is being defined? Your inner judgment if something is good or evil.
TRUE OR FALSE. Our actions always affect other people.
This words sums up the reality that all humans have equal and immeasurable worth and value
What is penance?
Actions to bring us back into harmony with God and the people our sin has hurt
What is absolution?
God's forgiveness spoken through the priest during Reconciliation
What does conversion mean (when it comes to reconciliation)?
Having a change of heart
What does contrition mean?
To be truly sorry
How can mortal sins be forgiven?
At the Sacrament of Reconciliation
What does mortal sin do to the grace in your soul?
Kills it
This type of sin is very serious, done freely and with full knowledge that is it wrong
Mortal sin
What is a venial sin?
a less serious sin than mortal sin
Defending human dignity and protecting human rights defines which term?
Social Justice
Social conditions that allow for everyone to meet their basic needs and live up to their fullest potential defines...
Whose will do we put about God's when we sin?
our own
A deliberate act against God in word, deed, or thought defines...
Every human has equal __________
We are made in the _______ and __________ of God
image and likeness