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1ESO Review and Trivia
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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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A. 5
D. Brown
A. Cristiano Ronaldo
C. Snow White
D. Black
A. Once a day
What are the man and woman on the bench doing?
They are reading a book.
What is the man in the blue t-shirt doing?
He is walking his dog.
At what time does Emily go home?
Emily goes home at a quarter past 2.
What does Emily do after she gets dressed?
Emily goes to school after she gets dressed?
Listen! ___ the phone _____ (ring) right now?
Listen! Is the phone ringing right now?
Bill _____ (not play) outside at the moment.
Bill isn't playing outside at the moment.
I always stop / am stopping the car at a red light.
I always stop the car at a red light.
Helen wears / is wearing blue jeans and a t-shirt today.
Helen is wearing blue jeans and a t-shirt today.
____ monkeys eat a lot of bananas?
Do monkeys eat a lot of bananas?
____ the twins wearing the same clothes?
Are the twins wearing the same clothes?
What are Molly and Jane doing?
They are playing with toys.
What is person 1 doing?
He is watching TV/rugby.