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Exclamatory Questions
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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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HIs bike runs so fast.
How fast! / What a fast bike!
We went hiking to the big hill.
What a big hill! / How big!
The house looks very old.
How old! / What an old house!
The test was so difficult.
How difficult! / What a difficult test!
We watched the silly clown dancing.
What a silly clown! / How silly!
The market was crowded.
What a crowded market! / How crowded!
He got a nice surprise on his birthday.
What a nice surprise! / How nice!
We are watching the sunset. It is so gorgeous.
how gorgeous! / What a gorgeous sunset!
I saw a kind man helping an old grandpa crossing the street.
What a kind man!/ How kind!
He is very rude talking during the movie
What a rude man!! / How rude!
He has a cool car.
What a cool car! / How cool!
He has brilliant idea.
What a brilliant idea! / How brilliant!
The beach is beautiful.
What a beautiful beach! / How beautiful !
The building is tall.
What a tall building! / How tall !