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Rethink Your Drink

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Internal or External? The only drinks at a birthday party is pop.
Internal or External? You choose water when eating at a restaurant.
Internal or External? Your coach only provides sports drinks at practice and games.
Name 3 foods from the dairy group.
Milk, yogurt, cheese
Name 3 foods from the protein group.
steak, eggs, chicken, pork, peanut butter, turkey, beef, beans, sunflower seeds, etc.
Name 3 foods from the grains group.
bread, pasta, rice, oatmeal, tortilla, crackers, bagel, muffin, etc.
Name 3 foods from the vegetable group.
broccoli, green beans, carrots, onion, peas, lettuce, spinach, corn, peppers, etc.
Name 3 foods from the fruit group.
Apple, banana, orange, kiwi, watermelon, grapes, pineapple, pears, peaches, blueberry, etc
Name at least 3 food groups from the MyPlate.
Grains, Protein, Fruit, Vegetable, Dairy
How many food groups are on the MyPlate?
True or False: Clear soda has less sugar than dark soda.
False. It's about the same amount.
What you drink affects your dental health.
True or False: A person can live two weeks without water.
False. You can only live about 1 week without water.
True or False: Milk has added sugar.
False: only flavored milk like chocolate or strawberry has added sugar.
True or False: A person's brain is made of approximately 10% water.
False: The brain is 75% water.
How many glasses of water should you have each day?