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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Kadeem drank 8 glasses of water a day for one week. How many glasses of water did he drink?
Bobby's class is going on a field trip. Each chaperone will take 4 kids in their car. If there are 36 students going, how many chaperones will they need?
Maja is designing robots. Each has 10 feet of wire inside them. If she makes 3 robots, how many feet of wire will she need?
Hilo has 63 baseball cards to put into a photo album. If 9 cards fit on a page, how many pages will he use?
Sara is taking apart a beaded necklace to make 7 identical bracelets. The necklace has 49 beads. How many beads will Imani use for each bracelet?
Adrian started a dog walking business. On Saturday he walked 8 dogs and earned $64. How much did he charge per dog?
Mr. Yamamoto is making a breakfast for the 6 members of his family. He is making bacon and omelets. If each omelet needs 3 eggs, how many eggs does he need?
Mariel volunteers at the animal shelter 3 times a month. After 6 months, how many times has she volunteered at the animal shelter?
Avea checked out 18 books from the library. Half of them are nonfiction. How many nonfiction books did she check out?