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Tale Dark and Grimm Ch 1-4

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Who killed Hansel at the end of Chapter 4?
the Duke
How did Hansel change when they lived in the woods?
he slowly turned into a beast
What were the first three animals that Hansel killed?
a rabbit, a fawn and a dove
What did the tree of life tell Hansel and Gretel they must do if they lived in the woods?
They should take what they need and not more
When Gretel discovered she had lost the chicken bone, what did she use to unlock
She cut off her finger.
What did the stars tell Hansel and Gretel?
where the swallows/sons were and to bring a chicken bone
Who told Gretel the truth about what happened to the sons?
the townspeople
What did the father wish would happen to the sons?
he wished them into swallows / birds
What errand did the father send his seven sons?
to get water for a bath
Why did the villager and his wife decide to take in Hansel and Gretel?
he always wanted a daughter
What mistake did the sons make when fetching water?
dropped the tub down the well
What did Hansel do to the baker woman?
He locked her in the oven and killed her
Why did the Baker Woman put Gretel in a cage.
to fatten her up to eat
What did the Baker Woman like to eat better than chicken?
Why did the children feel they were currently in heaven while at the baker woman's house?
the could eat all they wanted and didn't have any chores
Who fed Hansel and Gretel a big breakfast?
the baker woman
Describe the house that Hansel and Gretel saw.
chocolate cake walls and icing roof
What was the purpose of Hansel and Gretel’s quest?
to find new parents/family
What did the King do to his children to bring Johannes back to life?
He cut off their heads.
What would happen to Johannes if he told why he did the things he did?
He would turn to stone
How did Johannes find out about the three things that must be done?
the three ravens
What three things must be done to save the lives of the new king and his bride?
kill the horse, burn the dress and bite the queen's lip to suck out 3 drops of blood
What did Johannes and the new King disguise themselves as to see the golden princess?
gold merchants
What happens to every man the golden princess marries?
he dies
Where does the Golden Princess live?
the black marble castle with golden roof
Why can't the young King see the portrait of the Golden Princess?
it might cost him his life
Who served the king, the king’s father, the king’s grandfather, and the king’s great grandfather?
Faithful Johannes
What was Johannes NOT to show the new king?
The room with the picture of the Golden Princess
What is Gretel holding on the cover?
a bloddy sword
Why are fairy tales so awesome?
Bloody and violent
What is the name of the Kingdom Hansel and Gretel live in?