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Malware fast facts

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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name something you can do to prevent malware attacks
keep OS and programs updated, back up all data, use additional antivirus software, use strong passwords
this type of malware will incessantly display multiple ads on your computer, taking up valuable resources and possibly even making your OS crash
this is a malware that gains admin access to a computer, making it very difficult to remove/ detect
this is sometimes also called scareware, for the way it threatens and presses the user for money urgently
this malware will sometimes encrypt your data (or at least says it will), barring you from access until you pay
this malware will scare/ threaten user into paying $ to regain access to their computer/ data
if you download a fake antivirus program on purpose, which turned out to be malware, it is most likely this
a trojan
a program pretending to be another, which a user downloads and unintentionally infects their machine with
keyloggers are a very common example of this
these are programs that collect user info like keystrokes, screenshots, web browsing activity or audo/video files, sending it to malicious users
this malware is like a virus beccause its code can self replicate, but can be activated without user interaction
this malware will often insert itself into an application and relies on the "host" program to propagate
this is a self replicating code, but remains dormant until run by user