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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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They are demolishing the stadium so the team can't play any games there.
The stadium is being demolished so games cannot be played here.
The city authorities sold the land three years ago.
The land was sold by the city authorities three years ago.
Nobody has done the washing up.
The washing up hasn't been done.
Picasso painted Guernica in 1937.
Guernica was painted by Picasso in 1937.
They will read out the names of the winners in tomorrow's show.
The names of the winners will be read out in tomorrow's show.
They are monitoring the whole area with TV cameras.
The whole area is being monitored with TV cameras.
People say that Copacabana is the most wonderful beach in the world.
Copacabana is said to be the most wonderful beach in the world.
They were opening the parcel when I came in.
The parcel was being opened when I came in.
You cannot trust politicians.
Politicians can't be trusted.
The organizers will offer drinks during the break.
Drinks will be offered during the break (by the organizers).
Scientists have not tested the new product on humans.
The new product has not been tested on humans.
The workers were repairing the roof when the fire started.
The roof was being repaired when the fire started.
They gave us a guided tour of the museum.
We were given a guided tour of the museum.
Somebody stole my car from the car park.
My car was stolen from the car park.
The politicians will have reached a decision by tomorrow.
A decision will have been reached by tomorrow.
She solved all her problems.
All her problems were solved.
You can't take photos in the dark.
Photos can't be taken in the dark.
My great grandfather built this house 60 years ago.
This house was built by my great grandfather 60 years ago.
The company employs five people.
Five people are employed by the company.