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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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_______________(exciting) activity to do for me is camping.
the most exciting
_________ (good) place to go in New York is Central Park.
The best
Jim always works ________(long) than other colleagues, because he really wants to get promotion.
Apple makes _______________ ( high-tech) products than Samsung.
more high-tech
when you can work when you want
work flexitime
When you work more than you should
work overtime
The opposite to boring
exciting, interesting, fascinating
The opposite to interesting
boring, repetetive,uninteresting
When you like your job and it gives you satisfaction, it is ________________________
When a product is easy to use , it is __________
You look tired. ________a break!
It's important to _____________ English meetings.A) miss B) attend
It's ___________________ reliable product.
extremely /really /totally
Do you speak to your manager? He was here 5 minutes ago.
I didn't worked at all yesterday .
didn't work
I have so many meetings, it's hard to ___________my time A) manage B) handle
When you're creative, you think outside the _________A) bag B) box
To be a good team leader you need to know how to __________with the conflict. A) deal B) manage