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Mindset 1 Unit 5 Reading Consumerism

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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clothing worn by an actor on stage during a performance
costume (trang phục)
values and beliefs passed from generation to generation
tradition (truyền thống)
pottery (= objects made out of clay)
(china) ware (đồ gốm)
vendor (người bán hàng)
a market, usually taking place outside, where old or used goods are sold cheaply
flea market (n) (chợ trời)
good for health and friendly with the environment
ethically made clothing (quần áo thân thiện môi trường, tốt cho sức khỏe. Thường vừa mắc vừa xấu)
fair and sensible
to be reasonable (giá hợp lý)
to change
to vary (khác biệt) => The rooms vary in size.
manufactured in large quantities
mass-produced (adj) => mass-produced goods
show something that is surprising or that was previously secret
to reveal (v) tiết lộ = to let the cat out of the bag
a shop/store that is one of a series of similar shops/stores owned by the same company
a chain store (chuỗi cửa hàng)
a thing bought or offered for sale more cheaply than is usual or expected
a bargain (giá hời/ giá tốt)/ to bargain (trả giá)
activities to advertise something
promotion (n) quảng cáo
a general direction in which a situation is changing or developing
a trend
activity done for enjoyment when one is not working
recreation (v) = giải trí => to count diamonds for recreation (đếm kim cương giải trí)
to say what will happen before it occurs
to predict (v) = dự đoán, tiên đoán
focus on one particular product, activity, or job
to specialize (v) = chuyên về cái gì đó
To give what is needed; to supply
to provide (v) = cung cấp
the aspects of the world not created or constructed by people
natural world (n)
getting better
getting bigger
to survive
stay alive
(n.) something new, a change; the act of introducing a new method, idea, device, etc.
innovation (n) = sáng kiến, sự đổi mới