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American Culture Trivia

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In the US, what should you say after someone sneezes?
"Bless you" 保佑你
All of these are popular American foods EXCEPT: s'mores / barbecue pulled pork / tacos / peanut butter & jelly sandwich
True or false: Most American adults live with their parents.
False. After college, adults will usually not live with their parents anymore.
When you go to an American restaurant, how much should you tip (小費)? 5% / 20% / 30% / 10%
20%, or 15-20%
Which of these is a famous holiday in the U.S.? Holi / Juneteenth / Victoria Day / Mid-Autumn Festival
Juneteenth, it is the holiday that celebrates the end of slavery (奴隸制度的結束)
How many people live in the United States?
All of these are famous U.S. basketball teams EXCEPT: Los Angeles Lakers / Golden State Warriors / Milwaukee Bucks / Houston Hornets
Houston Hornets
Guess the slang: "spill the ____" means to share secrets/gossip
"spill the tea"
What does "smh" stand for?
Shake my head
True or false: Americans often do not use a hair dryer after a shower.
Guess the slang: "_____ brain" means very smart
"big brain"
How many hours does it take to drive from the west to the east of the US?
~40 hours
After English, what is the second most common language spoken in the United States?
Spanish! 41.3 million (4130 萬) people speak Spanish as a home language.
What is the capital of the United States?
Washington, D.C.
What is the most popular sport in America? basketball / baseball / American football / ice hockey
American football
True or false: In the US, 18 is the age when you can start to drive a car.
False, it is 16
How tall is the average American man? 165 cm / 180 cm / 170 cm / 175 cm
175 cm