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Irregular verbs 1

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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"How much do these shoes _____?" "Last year, they _____ thirty euros, but this year they are much cheaper!"
Cost, cost/were
Yesterday, I _____ coffee with breakfast.
Werewolves are people who ______ wolves when there is a full moon.
Translate "traer" and say it in the past simple.
Bring, brought
What is this verb? Say it in the past simple.
Draw, drew
Translate the verb "hacer" into English, and say it in the past simple.
Do, did
Say the verb "to break" in the past simple, and translate it into Spanish.
Broke, "romper"
How do you say "elegir" in English?
When I was younger, I _____ dance well. Now, I can't.
What is this verb? Say it in the past simple.
Drink, drank
Last year, I ____ to school early. This year, I _____ late. ("venir")
What is this verb in English? Say it in the past simple.
Catch, caught
Translate "construir." Say it in the past simple.
Build, built
Say the verb "to buy" in the past simple, and translate into Spanish.
Bought, "comprar"
Translate "convertirse" into English and say the past simple.
Become, became
What is this verb?
To blow
Translate "morder" into English and say it in the past simple.
Bite, bit
Translate "ser"/"estar" into English, and say it in the best simple.
To be, was/were
Name an irregular verb that is a synonym of "start"
Name the verb in English and say it in the past simple
Cut, cut