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The Outsiders

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What are the names of Cherry and Marcia's boyfriends?
Bob and Randy
What color/type is Dally's jacket?
What decade is the story set in?
What did Cherry do when Dally offered her a Coke?
She threw it in his face
What is the name of Sodapop's girlfriend?
What is the location this story was set in?
Tulsa, Oklahoma
What are the middle names of Ponyboy and Sodapop
Michael & Patrick
Who is the only person Johnny doesn't want to see while in the hospital?
his mother
What started the argument between Darry and Ponyboy that caused Pony to run away?
Pony came home late
How Many Greasers are in Ponyboys gang?
What Has Sodapop Wanted More Than anything?
a horse
Who is Sodapop's Best Friend?
Steve Randall
What is Keith Matthews' nick-name?
Ponyboy has a Crush on a girl named:
What is the name of the Gas Station that Sodapop works At?
What are the names of the Three Curtis Boys?
Darry,Ponyboy, Soda