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Final Revision!!!

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Is the sentence simple, compound or complex? Saturday was a beautiful, sunny day.
Is the sentence simple, compound or complex? I´m really good at dancing and I love singing.
Where are the commas needed to show parenthesis: Paris the capital of France is known as a romantic city.
After Paris and France
Where are the commas needed to show parenthesis: My friend Blanca who is happy all the time is coming to my house on Friday.
After Blanca and time
I would like to go surfing but I have to work tomorrow.
Is the sentence simple, compound or complex? Even though its only Monday, I am tired already!
Is the sentence simple, compound or complex? Nora is a graceful gymnast
What is the adjective in this sentence? My dog is very vicious
What is the adjective in this sentence? My burger tasted sensational!
What is the preposition in this sentence? The bird flew above the house.
What is the adverb in this sentence? He ate his burger quickly
What is the adverb in this sentence? It is raining heavily
What is the preposition in this sentence? School starts at 9:10 am.
What is the preposition in this sentence? I put my bag under the desk.
Is this sentence punctuated correctly? If we eat vegetables, we will grow to be strong and healthy.
Is this sentence punctuated correctly? If we study hard we will, pass the test.
No - comma should be after the first clause
Is this sentence punctuated correctly? The postman always arrives late: I guess he´s a busy man.
Is this sentence punctuated correctly? The postman always arrives late I guess: he´s a busy man
Is this sentence punctuated correctly? Although he loves cheese toasties, he can´t eat them; he´s allergic to cheese.
Is this sentence punctuated correctly? To bake a cake, you will need: flour, eggs, butter and milk.
Is this sentence punctuated correctly? You need to pack the following items for the trip: a sleeping bag a tent a torch.
no (commas for list)
Is this sentence active or passive? Who is doing the action? Luca is playing football at Javi´s house.
active, Luca
Is this sentence active or passive? Who is doing the action? Susie´s birthday cake is being baked by Candela.
passive, Candela
Is this sentence active or passive? Who is doing the action? The lion was killed by Tim´s brother, George.
Passive, George
Is this sentence active or passive? Who is doing the action? Mark is cutting the grass for his neighbour, Sue.
active, Mark