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Level 2.1 - Unit 1 - L3 - Transport

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I am a kind of flight that can involve one or more stops on the route to their final destination.
the direct flight
I am a kind of flight that will fly between two airports, without any stops on the route
the non-stop flight
I am a fast train that does not stop at many places.
the express
I am a type of train that stops at all places on the route
the local
We are people travelling in a car, bus, train, plane or ship.
I am a flight with too many people.
an overbooked flight
I am paper. You need me to get on an airplane.
A boarding pass
I am a large boat. I can carry a lot of people and goods by sea.
I am a big vehicle. I can carry many people. I travel along a fixed route, and stop regularly to let people get on or get off.
I am an underground railway system in the city
I can fly straight up from the ground and can also stay in one position in the air.
I can stay underwater for a long time and explore the sea.
I float in the air and I almost always very colorful. I have a basket for people to sit in.
Hot air balloon
I am long and very fast. I can take a lot of people. I can take goods too. I have a loud siren. My wheels roll only on railway lines.
I am small. I travel by water. I can take some people. I don't have wheels or wings. The wind makes me move. You can sail me in a river.
Sail boat
I am very big. I travel on the road. I can take many goods. I have got six wheels.
I have a siren. I have a ladder. I help people when there are fires.
Fire truck.
I have a siren. I have flashing lights. I take sick people to the hospital.
I am small. I have two wheels. I have two pedals.
A bike