Edit Game
Challenge 2 - U3 to U5

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Make a sentence confirming the information: "He's your friend"
He's your friend, isn't he?
Make a sentence using the first conditional with the words: get - a vaccine - schools - open - again
If we get a vaccine the schools will open again
Express a wish using the word: wish - can (in the past) - live
I wish I could live with my grandmother
Make a sentence using the words: able to - win - competition - yesterday
I was able to win the competition yesterday
Make a sentence using the words: managed to - climb
I managed to climb the tree
Make a sentence using the words: will - able to - travel
I'll be able to travel to New York next year
Talk about an ability that you had
I could / I was able to / I managed to
Talk about an ability that you have
I can / I'm able to
Express a wish using the word: wish - have (in the past) - blond hair
I wish I had blond hair
Express a wish using the word: wish - verb to be (in the past) - older
I wish I were older
Answer the question using the second conditional:"What would you do If you were the president of your country"
"If I were the president of my country I would..."
Answer the question using the second conditional:"What would you do If you could fly?"
"If I could fly I would..."
Answer the question using the second conditional: "What would you do If you a had super powers?"
If I had super powers I would....
Make a sentence using the second conditional with the words: be (in the past) - rich -would - travel
If I were rich, I would travel around the world
Make a sentence using the first conditional with the words: rainy - go out
If it's rainy, we won't go out
Make a sentence using the first conditional with the words: sunny - Saturday - beach
If ti is sunny on Saturday, we'll go to the beach
What's the weather like?
It's a cold and windy day
Make a sentence using the zero conditional with the words: rain - grass - wet
If it rains the grass gets wet
Make a sentence using the zero conditional with the words: heat - water - boil
If you heat the water, it boils
What's the weather like?
It's hot and sunny
What's the weather like?
It's a cold and snowy day
Make a sentence confirming the information: "They went to mall"
"They went to mall, didn't they?"
Make a sentence confirming the information: "She hasn't found her keys"
She hasn't found her keys, has she?
Make a sentence confirming the information: "You are Susan"
You are Susan, aren't you?