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Reproductive System

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Where does the male cell form?
What is the male cell called?
What is made up of two folds of skin called labia in the female reproductive system?
Does fertilization take place in the MALE or FEMALE reproductive system?
Female reproductive system
What produces the ova in the female reproductive system?
What are the tubes that connect the ovaries to the uterus in the female reproductive system?
Fallopian tubes
What is the tract that connects the uterus to the outside of the body in the female reproductive system?
Human beings exhibit what type of reproduction?
Sexual reproduction
The reproductive systems are not completely mature until what?
Name the process: The time when the new human being leaves the body and begins to performance its vital functions
Labor and birth
Name the process: Spermatozoa are produced by males and ova by females
Formation of gametes
Name the process: All the processes that take place between the formation of the zygote and the new human being
Embryonic development
Name the process: the joining of the ovum and a spermatozoon