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Vocabulary, Flyers, unit 5

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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a route or trail that people can follow to get from one place to another
a path
When you move from the outside of a place to the inside
going into
It's a place where you can explore and learn about a different things, like art, history, science, culture, and much more
a museum
insects that are known for their colors and wings
if you see a bird in the sky and you want to show your friend where it is, what can you do?
point to it!
It's something we do many times throughout the day. For example, when you wake up in the morning, when you get out of a chair, or when you want to reach something high up
standing up!
a small body of water that flows in a channel or a natural pathway on land. It's usually smaller than a river
a stream
It can protect us from the sun. It gives shade and blocks the sun's rays, helping to keep us cooler on hot and sunny days
an umbrella
A place where you can get a higher degree
a college
It's a piece of cloth that can represent countries, show support, or send a signal
a flag
when you leave a room and step outside into the open space.
Coming out of the room
plants that grow tall and have a lot of branches and leaves. They produce oxygen
When someone is not feeling well or has an injury, they might need to go to there to get help.
A hospital!
When do we bend our knees and lower our body onto a seat?
when we sit!
When do you use your voice to speak?
When you talk!
you hold it under your chin and use your left hand to press down on the strings to make a sound
a violin
a musical instrument that you play by hitting it with your hands or with special sticks
a drum!
a type of plant that you can find almost everywhere, like in your backyard, parks, or even on sports fields. It's the green, soft, and leafy stuff that covers the ground.