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End of Year Revision

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Describe how to use a filter to separate sand from water.
Put a filter paper over a funner and a beaker below them to collect the wter. Pour the mixture of sand and water into the filter. Wait until all water goes trou
Describe how you can test if objects are transparent or not.
Use a torch and shine it to the object and see how much light goes through it. If all light goes through it, then it must be transparent.
Describe how you can test if an object is magnetic or not.
Take a magnet out and put it near the object, if it is attracted to a magnet, then it must be magnetic.
Describe how to measure the force of an object.
Use a forcemeter, hang the object on its hook and see the forcemeter reading
Explain how shadows change size.
Shadows get bigger when objects are move closer to the light and smaller when the object is moved further from the light.
Differentiate a producer from a consumer.
A producer makes its own food while a consumer finds food from plants or animals.
Describe how you can stay safe in using unknown liquids.
it could be poisonous so you need to use gloves/mask/goggles
Describe how you can make a model of the moon's orbit.
use a pingpong ball, tape a string on it and spin it over your head or crample a paper into a ball, tape a string on it and spin it over your head