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Revision Unit 1 EF Upper

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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You're a bit nervous, are | don't | aren't you?
You're a bit nervous, aren't you?
That's a Greek name, is | does | isn't it?
That's a Greek name, isn't it?
They say it's a good company to work for, don't / doesn't / do they?
They say it's a good company to work for, don't they?
'Where did they put our coats?' // Do you know...
Do you know where they put our coats?
Can I get a taxi after midnight?' // Do you have any idea...
Do you have any idea if/whether I can get a taxi after midnight?
'What does Molly's husband do?' // Do you remember...
Do you remember what Molly's husband does?
Why didn't Sarah come to the wedding?'// Do you know...
Do you know why Sara didn't come to the wedding?
A _______ long_______ Matt and Claire_______each other? B For about a year, I think.
How long have Matt and Claire known each other?
Who ________ Tony __________ with? // Nobody, he came on his own.
Who did Tony come with?
A: It must have cost a fortune though. B: Yes. Who ________________ it? B Her grandparents paid. It was a wedding present.
Who paid for it?