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Spellings Silent Vowel

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Can you use secretary in a sentence?
The school secretary answered the phone.
Who is a secretary?
a person in an office, who makes appointments, and carries out administrative tasks.
What does frightening mean?
Very scarey.
Use frightening in a sentence.
I watched a frightening film.
Use different in a sentence.
We are all different.
Which sentence has used different correctly?
I wore different socks today.
I ate different with toast.
I listened to different with my friend.
We wore a different and shoes.
What does different mean?
Not the same
The same
Very tall
Vewry small
Use miserable in a sentence
I felt miserable, when I was sick in bed.
What does miserable mean?
To be very unhappy
to be very happy
to be excited
to be bored
Spell the word, which is a place to borrow books.
What is a library?
A place where you can borrow books
Use the word dictionary in a sentence
I used a dictionary to find the meaning of a word.
What is a dictionary?
a book which gives the meaning of different words
spell the word which means to supply goods or services for money
What does business mean?
A business supplies goods or services for money
A business is a type of blue colour
A business is a day of the week
A business is a type of cheese
Can you use desperate in a sentence?
I was desperate for a new bike, as my old one was broken!
What does desperate mean?
having a great need for something
having no need for something
having some need for something
What degree of certainty is definitely?
Very certain
Which sentence has used DEFINITELY correctly?
I will definitely go to the swimming baths tomorrow.
She definitely yesterday.
I will go to definitely tomorrow.
My cats were playing definitely, all day!
Spell the word which means a VERY loud noise.
What does deafening mean?
a very loud noise
How do you spell the place many people think God lives?
What does heaven mean?
A place many people where God and the angels live
A place to go on holiday
A place to eat
A business