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G9 - U1 grammar
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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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You shouldn't spend too much time on computer ___ it is harmful to your eyes
i was going home yesterday _______ I saw Jim standing near the fountain
she talked ______ se witnessed the accident but she knew nothing
as if
i didn't finish my homework ______ i was seriously ill yesterday
my mother used to tell me stories ______ i went to bed
Do you know who’s…………… his pottery workshop ?
taking over
My grandfather is the…………….. oldest artisan in the village. Ngoc’s grandfather is the oldest.
If you like, I can…………….flowers on the cushion covers for you
She is skilled at………………… cloth
In this town, they ………… all the frames in steel.
My parents once took me to Bat Trang village. I could make my own …….there. I really enjoyed it.
Karachi is ................................... city in the world population.
the second largest
You don't need the fans on in the classroom. .................................., please
Turn them off
The amusement centre is so small that they cannot ...................the demand of the local residents.
keep up with
......................... my cousin is young, she is one of the most skillful artisan in Bat Trang village.
Yesterday, Jim was playing the piano _______ his sister was playing the flute