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Green Way

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The biggest problem in ............. is that there isn't enough public transport.
small towns, villages, rural areas
The biggest problem in big cities is that more people prefer using private cars than ...... transport
The least environmentally friendly means of public transport most often used for travelling abroad is...
What are the advantages of using active transport (cycling, walking, skateboarding)?
It's easy, cheap, eco-friendly....
What is carpooling- one of eco frendly ways of travelling?
Sharing a car with people who would otherwise drive separate
Which of these are environmentally friendly? carpooling, biking, driving a smart car?
all of these :)
The oldest way of transport is travelling on...........
An example of an active means of transport is: electric scooter, bicycle or motorbike
What type of cars are considered to be the most eco-friendly?
hybrid, electric cars
The most efficient means of transport is: car, bus or train?
A type of transport used in NASA
What is the most ecological type of transport: plane, car, bus
Name 5 ways (activities) of active transport
cycling, walking, skateboarding, running, riding a scooter
Name at least 3 means of public transport
bus, coach, plane, tram, train, underground...
Name at least 3 air means of trnasport
plane, helicopter, hot-air balloon, rocket, hang-glider....
Name at least 3 water means of transport
ferry, boat, ship, canoe...