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The golden apple CH3
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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Where are they going to write de letter?
In the book
Where does Ben find the letter?
He finds the letter in the pool
What does Ben find?
He finds letter I
Why does Ben say "Thanks for the apple"?
Because Horax drops it
What's Horax doing?
Taking the apple
Who don't want to Buster get better?
Horax and Zelda
Where is the golden apple?
Above the waterfall
What does Buster have to eat?
A golden apple
What's there on the top of the mountain?
There is a waterfall // There is a tree with a golden apple
Where do they have to take Buster?
To the top of the mountain
Has the woman got any medicine?
No, she hasn't got any medicine
Who's got the medicine?
An old man
Is the village near?
Yes, it is
Where do Ben and Lucy have to take Buster?
To the village
What's the matter with Buster?
A snake bits Buster