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Unit1 & Unit2 Questions

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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发音题: hard-working 工作努力的 ; helpful 有用的 ; clever 聪明的 ;
发音题: kind 体贴的 ; strict 严格的 ; polite 有礼貌的
选择题: _____ our new teacher? -Duffy. A.Who's ; B.What's ; C.How's
选择题: _____ you know your new teachers? // A.Do ; B.Is ; C.Are
选择题: _____ is the last day of a week? A.Friday B.Saturday C.Thursday
做否定回答: Do you wash your clothes every day?
No, I don't.
发音题: young 年轻的 ; speak 会讲 ; finish 完成
选择正确问句: _________. -She is strict. // A.What's Amy like? ; B.Where is Amy? ; C.Who's is Amy?
选择题: Who_____ your English teacher? // A.is ; B.am ; C.are
改为一般疑问句: She's young.
Is she young?
改错题: Who your English teacher?(提示:少了be动词)
Who is your English teacher?
连词成句: teachers , your , Are , strict , new (?)
Are your new teachers strict?
按要求回答: What's he like? (用young回答)
He is young.