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The zoo keeper CH2
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Does Whisper catch the snake?
Yes, he does!
Does Thunder catch the hippo?
Yes, he does!
Does Flash catch the parrot?
Yes, she does!
Does Misty get the keys?
Yes, she does!
Does Misty catch the hippo?
No, she doesn't
Does Thurder catch the parrot?
No, he doesn't
Does Whisper catch the parrot?
No, he doesn't
Does Flash catch the snake?
No, she doesn't
Do the SUPER FRIENDS help the zoo keeper?
Yes, they do!
How many animals can you see?
There are four animals
Who gets the keys?
Misty gets the keys
Who has the keys?
What does Whisper do?
He speaks to the snake // He catches the snake
What does Thunder do?
He catches the HIPPO
What does Flash do?
She runs very fast // She catches the parrot
What does the parrot do?
It flies out off the cage
Who opens the cage?
The monkey
What animal can you see?
A monkey
Where are the SUPER FRIENDS?
At the zoo keeper