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Cosmetic used to slightly darken the skin, as if from the sun.
Cosmetic product "typically used as a last sealing step for complexion products, such as foundation and concealer...
face powder
Product used to moisturize or lubricate the skin
a gel applied to the eyebrows to make them look neat and full. They can be clear or colored
brow gel
product applied to the lips to add shine without intense color
lip gloss
product applied to the lips to add color
volumizing, curling, waterproof, lengthening, lash-defining
types of mascara (not brands)
a term for skin that looks healthy, moist and soft, not dry or blemished
glowing skin
a tool with a small clamp to curl the upper eyelashes
eyelash curler
flaws in the skin (also known as spots, acne or pimples)
"The natural color, texture, and appearance of a person's skin, especially of the face." -- Oxford Dictionary
light-reflecting cosmetic products to enhance the complexion or bring out (highlight) cheekbones
highlighter, brightener, illuminator
tinted cosmetic product applied to the face to create a more even complexion and cover flaws. This can be a liquid or powder
a group of cosmetic products in coordinating colors. These can include products for the whole face or specific features, such as the eyes
makeup kit or makeup set
a small pair of pincers used to pluck out unwanted hairs on the face. Also used to pick up small objects or pull out a splinter in the skin
Lotion to darken the skin to mimic a sun tan
Tanning lotion
A cosmetic product to fill in uneven edges around the lips and used before applying lipstick. Also called a lip pencil.
lip liner
A product used to clean the skin (different from makeup remover usually)
A product used to remove or take off makeup (such as foundation, concealer, eyeshadow, mascara...)
makeup remover
"A thick, clear, slightly sticky substance, especially one used in cosmetic or medicinal product."-- Oxford Dictionary