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What does F A T T O M stand for?
Food, acidity, time, temperature, oxygen, moisture
This popular Italian cheese is often seen on Caprese salad and Neapolitan pizza
Name Three pasta shapes
angel hair, spaghetti, fussili, orchetti, ravioli, etc.
Feta is cheese made from WHAT animal's milk?
Sheep (and/or goat)
What cooking method means "to jump" and involves tossing items in a pan?
Bacon is made from WHAT cut of pork?
Pork Belly!
This luxurious steak is cut from the beef tenderloin
Filet Mignon (OR Chateaubriand)
What knife cut is a dice smaller than small dice?
brunoise (small nod for "mince")
Name four types of peppers (fresh or dry)
Bell, ancho, jalapeno, rellenos, arbol, birds's eye, etc.
Champagne legally must come from what country?
What does the Italian term "Al Dente" mean in English?
"To the Tooth"
TRUE or FALSE: Tomatoes and Potatoes are both members of the nightshade family
How many cups are in a gallon?
Stilton, Gorgonzola, and Roquefort are all WHAT type of cheese?
Name THREE varieties of apples
Gala, Pink Lady, Golden Delicious, Granny Smith, Jazz, Honeycrisp, Crab, etc.
This sweet, sticky substance DOES NOT EXPIRE
How many shrimp are in a 2lb bag of U20 shrimp?
What is the most expensive spice in the world? (HINT: We've used it recently)
TRUE or FALSE: Squids and Octopus are considered shellfish
FALSE (they are cephalopods. Tasty, tasty cephalopods.)
Often used to describe "savoriness," what is the fifth basic taste?
This rare wild fungus is prized for it's aroma and is often sliced fresh in high-end restaurants.
Brown gravy is a derivative of which mother sauce?
Sauce Espagnole
What three vegetables make up Mirepoix?
Carrot, Celery, and Onion
This fermented cabbage is a staple in German and Polish households- often served with alongside pork.
What does it mean to brûlée?
Burn! (typically with a torch)
Is an avocado a FRUIT or a VEGETABLE?
FRUIT! (stonefruit)
What is the only fruit with seeds on the outside?
What is measured in Scoville units?
TRUE or FALSE: According to the USDA, pork must be eaten well done.
FALSE. It is now considered safe to eat pork chops medium/medium rare (145f)
What is your FIRST task when entering a kitchen?
Warsh your hands, ya filthy animals!
What famous chef is credited with establishing the kitchen brigade?
Auguste Escoffier
What is this piece of equipment?
What is the appropriate internal temperature required to serve ground chicken?
165 Fahrenheit
In the kitchen brigade, what title is often "Second in command?"
Sous Chef (or Chef de Cuisine in large establishments)
Which Mother Sauce contains egg yolks and butter?
What is the highest number of Michelin Stars a restaurant can receive?