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1 Word, 2 Meanings

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What are 2 meanings of the word feet?
1. What you walk on. 2. Measuring
What are 2 meanings of the word watch?
1. To look at intently, 2. What you wear on your wrist to tell time
What are 2 meanings of the word bowl?
1. The dish you eat cereal and soup from, 2. The game where you roll a ball and knock down pins
What are 2 meanings of the word point?
1. The end of a pencil, 2. The action of "pointing" a body part like a finger
What are 2 meanings of the word park?
1. To stop a car somewhere, 2. A place with benches, swing sets, and a lot of room for walking
What are 2 meanings of the word sink?
1. What you use to wash your hands, 2. The opposite of float
What are 2 meanings of the word bark?
1. The stuff on the trunk of a tree, 2. The sound a dog makes
What are 2 meanings of the word bill?
1. A charge for money, 2. A beak of a bird, 3. A $1 "bill", 4. Something passed in the government
What are 2 meanings of the word ring?
1. Something you wear on your finger, 2. The noise a telephone makes
What are 2 meanings of the word fly?
1. Small insect, 2. To move through the air
What are 2 meanings of the word light?
1. To make bright, 2. Opposite of heavy
What are 2 meanings of the word nail?
1. Something you hit with a hammer, 2. The hard part on the end of your fingers
What are 2 meanings of the word tie?
1. Something men wear around their neck, 2. Putting rope into a knot, 3. When no one wins or loses, but scores the same
What are 2 meanings of the word wave?
1. Movement of water in the ocean, 2. To move your hand back and forth quickly
What are 2 meanings of the word glasses?
1. Wear on your face to see better, 2. What you drink from
What are 2 meanings of the word swing?
1. Object you can play on the playground, 2. To move in a rapid curve
What are 2 meanings of the word bat?
1. The animal, 2. Used to hit balls in baseball