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Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Mime it out....
Mime it out...
Can you group say the days of the week?
All together!
Challenge time - Choose your opponent.
Who can draw it better?
Challenge time - choose your opponent.
Can you dance like this?
Can 2 Students come and show me 2 different types of exercises?
Can you name 3 different ways to stay healthy?
Where is the Panda?
Where's Waldo?
( 1 Min )
Can 3 students tell me what their favorite movie is?
My favorite movie is ___________.
Cane you name the 4 different seasons?
When is Christmas?
25th of December
12th of January
25th of August
13th of July
When is teachers Day?
20th of November
11th of May
20th of September
11 of June
Can 3 students tell me what their favorite foods are?
My favorite food is ________ and ________.
Name 3 places you would like to visit in Vietnam.
Can 3 students tell me their favorite subject?
My favorite subject is _____________.
Name 3 different types of transportation.
What Country is this?
What country is this?
South Africa
Which country is this?
write out 3 RULES for your class.
Do not __________!
Name 3 Different countries you would like to visit.
Challenge time - Choose your opponent.
Lets Rock Paper Scissors!
Challenge time - Choose your opponent.
who can sing the best?
Can you write out 3 different types of fruit? (1 min)
Can you write out 3 different types of vegetables (1 min)
Can three students tell me, what does your Mother do for a job?
My mother is a ______________.
Can three students in your group tell me what they would like to be one day?
I would like to be a ____________.
Name 3 different places you can visit in your town?
Can you write out 5 Items in your house? (1 Min)
Funny face challenge - Choose your opponent
Whose is funnier?
you have one minute to write out a question for me.
Dance off challenge - Choose your opponent.
who can dance better?
Name three rooms that you have in your house.
Name 3 things that you can see in the classroom?
Can you write out 2 types of animals?
Wall sit Challenge - Choose your opponent.
Can you go 2 minutes?
Push up challenge - choose your opponent.
Who can do the most?
Can you give me 3 words beginning with the letter "D"? (1MIN)
who can draw it the best?