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Dates (Months & Ordinal Numbers)

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How do you say this in English?
When is Hallooween?                  ヒント:  サティーファースト
It's October 31st (thirty-first)
When is teacher Daisuke's birthday?  ヒント: フォース
It's July 4th (fourth)
When is teacher Mizuki's birthday?  ヒント: セブンス
It's September 7th (seventh)
When is teacher Moesha's birthday? ヒント: シクス
It's November 6th (sixth)
When is Christmas day?            ヒント: トウェンティーフィフス
It's December 25th (twenty-fifth)
How do you say this in English?
How do you say this in English?
How do you say this in English?
How do you say this in English?
What date is it?       ヒント:サード
It's May 3rd (third)
What date is it?                               ヒント:ファースト
It's June 1st (first)
How do you say this in English?
When is his birthday?                 ヒント: サーティアス
It's June 30th (thirtieth)
What is the date today?