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4to Prim History

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What are numbers 5 and 6?
Bedroom and Dining Room
What are numbers 3 and 4?
Hall and Shop
What are numbers 1 and 2?
Pool and Patio
What are letters E and F?
Oven and Olive Press
What are letters C and D?
Mill and Fields
What are letters A and B?
House and Stable
Where did they do horse races?
What was the main square called in the Roman cities?
What did the Romans use to transport water?
Bridges and Aqueducts
Who used mills and ploughs in the fields?
Peasants and slaves
What did peasants and slaves use in the fields?
Mills and ploughs
What were the roman houses in the countryside called?
What were domus?
The home of rich romans
Where did rich romans live?
In Domus
What were insulae?
The home of poor romans
Where did poor romans live?
In insulae
Mention two buldings in Roman towns:
Temple, theatre....
Mention two buldings in Roman towns:
Walls, Circus, Theatre, temple...
What did they invent to make clothes in the Neolithic period?
What did they wear in the Paleolithic and Neolithic periods?
Animal skins
What did they eat from in the Paleolithic and Neolithic periods?
Fishing, hunting and fruit collecting
What did they discover in the Paleolithic period?
Where did the people in the Neolithic period live?
In huts
Where did the people in the Paleolithic period live?
In Caves