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Beginnings of Hungarian history (revision)
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What did Béla IV want in exchange for the properties that he gave away?
He wanted them to build castles that could defend Hungary from the Mongol attacks.
Who was Béla IV?
He rebuilt Hungary after the Mongols destroyed it.
When was the Mongol invasion?
in 1241
What did Andrew II do badly?
he gave away the kingdom's properties for free
Who created the Aranybulla and when?
Andrew II, in 1222
What is the Aranybulla?
a document with a golden stamp that contained the requests of the nobility
Why didn't Hungarians trust Béla III at first?
because he grew up in the Byzantine Empire
Which 2 empires were dangerous for Hungary in the 12th century?
the Byzantine Empire and the German-Roman Empire
What did Leslie I do with thieves?
He cut their arm off
How do we call Leslie I?
The knight king
Who became king after Stephen I?
Who was Vazul? What happened to him?
He was the cousin of Stephen I, he was blinded
When was Stephen I crowned?
in 1000 AD
What was the original name of Stephen I?
Who founded the Hungarian state?
Stephen I
What happened in 955 AD?
Hungarians were defeated in Augsburg
What was special about the Hungarian fighting routine?
shot arrows behind them while riding a horse
When did Hungarians start to settle down?(honfoglalás)
in 895 AD
Say at least 3 Hungarian tribes.
Nyék, Megyer, Jenő, Kér, Kürtgyarmat, Tarján, Keszi
What does nomad lifestyle mean?
always moving, keeping animals
Where is Magna Hungaria?
Southern Uralic mountain
Which language group does Hungarian belong to?
uralic, finnugor