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Applied Linear Algebra

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How to find the norm of the matrix using trace?
What is rank of matrix?
The maximum number of linearly independent columns or rows.
If shape of matrix is 5x3, what will be the shape of U matrix in SVD decomposition?
How to find norm of vector in Python?
Symmetric matrices have orthogonal...
Determine if matrix stochastic?
How to check if vectors are orthogonal?
Dot product is 0
What output will be?
[[25, 8], [ 1, 2]]
What are eigenvectors and eigenvalues? How to calculate it in Python?
Eigenvector changes by a scalar factor when linear transformation is applied to it. Eigenvalues are levels of scaling. vec,val=np.linalg.eig(M)
What function returns you inverse of the matrix?
What is the output?
5x5 identity matrix
How to plot this figure?
How to find LU decomposition in Python and what values are returned?
P,L,U=np.linalg.lu(A), where P-permutation matrix, L -lower, U -upper triangular matrices
How to find determinant in Python? What is determinant of given matrix?
np.linalg.det(C), -24
How to create 4x4 identity matrix in Python?
How you multiple elements by elements of two matrices in Python?
How to multiply two matrices in Python?
A@B, np.dot(A,B)
What output will be shown?
Add code to plot the figure.
plt.plot([0,2],[0,2],"r") plt.plot([0,-1],[0,3],"k")