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Airport Security

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I want to take this shampoo in my bag. Can I take it on the plane?
No. It is over 100ml
Yes, but only in a zip loc bag
Yes, no problem.
What is the color of organic material (eg. leather) shown in X-ray?
The metal scanner can detect organic materials like explosives. True or false?
Is this an X ray scanner?
The metal scanner has m____ d____s to detect metals.
Metal detectors.
Give one example of  a green colored item in the X-ray.
glasses / perfume bottle / toiletries.
Give one example of a blue colored item in the X-ray.
Plastic bottles/Mobile phones/Soda cans.
Orange colored items in the scanner are usually?
Food, paper and drugs.
Soda cans and plastics.
Electronic devices.
This machine uses _________ to see inside the bags.
What items should you put into this bin?
What is airport security?
A method to keep passengers and staff safe from threats.
A method to annoy passengers.