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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I can see a ________.
I can see a cow.
I can see a _______.
I can see a horse.
What is this?
This is a pig.
What's your favourite colour?
My favourite colour is purple.
How old is she?
She is twenty-four years old.
How are you?
I'm happy.
This isn't light. It's very _________.
This isn't light. It's very heavy.
I'm wearing _____ (nov) ______ (barva) _____ (oblačilo).
I'm wearing new pink socks.
How old is my grandfather?
My grandfather is sixty-five years old.
She isn't lazy, she is _________________.
She isn't lazy, she is hard-working.
The girl is fun and ____________ (zgovoren).
The girl is fun and talkative.
I'm very ___________.
I'm very smart.
The big ________ and small _________ are good friends.
The big cat and small mouse are good friends.
The big bear is driving a ____________.
The big bear is driving a bike.
Tha boy isn't h_________. He is _________.
The boy isn't happy. He is sad.
The elephant is a _________ animal.
The elephant is a big animal.
This is my father Tony. He is _________ years old.
This is my father Tony. He is forty-seven years old.
My mother Maya is _________________.
My mother Maya is loving.
The girl has got _________ (big, small, long, short) hair.
The girl has got ___________ hair.
The girl has got long hair.
What's the weather like?
It's hot.
What's the weather like?
It's cold.
Masha isn't _________(dirty/clean).
Masha isn't clean.
Masha is _________(dirty/clean).
Masha is dirty.