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CS 9 Unit 3

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Explain the difference between love and lust.
The attitude of your heart is different, love is selfless and other-person-centered. Lust is selfish and self-centered.
God gave us the gift of sexuality to be used in this Sacrament
Sexuality is bad. True or False
Define chastity
Self control of our sexual thoughts and actions
God gave us THESE so that we can do his will
What do the 7 principles of CST's highlight?
They highlight all social justice issues that we need to pay attention to and address
What does CST stand for?
Catholic Social Teaching
Give examples of Social Injustices
Pollution, abuse, violence, terrorism, sweatshops, neglect, prejudice
Pope Francis calls us to BE the "Culture of Encounter". What does this mean?
It means that we must be present to the poor and vulnerable, be with them, walk with them, STOP IGNORING THEM
What should empathy lead us to? (hint: 1 word)
What does empathy mean?
Being able to put yourself in their shoes and feel how they feel.
Explain what "slippery slope" means in terms of legalizing abortion and dr. assisted suicide.
It opens the door for more and more ways to kill people (legally)
Explain how Iceland eradicated Downs Syndrome from their population.
Any unborn baby that tested positive for Downs was aborted
Name some reasons that someone might be classified as "vulnerable"
Baby, toddler, little kid, elderly, sick, disabled, poor, physically or mentally handicapped
How should we treat people who are vulnerable?
Put their needs first (before our own). Take care of them!
Do you have the authority to decide if anyone's life is not worth living?
Define prolife
Protecting all life from conception until natural death. Opposing anything that harms or destroys human life.
What is Palliative Care?
Provides relief from symptoms, pain, stress for the terminally ill
What commandment do abortion, euthanasia, and dr. assisted suicide break?
the 5th Commandment - Thou Shalt Not Kill
Define abortion
intentional termination of an unborn baby
Humans are sacred from what point until what point?
conception until natural death (womb to tomb)
We are made in the image and likeness of God, which means what?
We CAN be good and loving, like God
We are made in the _________ and ___________ of God.
image and likeness
Our parents give us our body, _________ gives us our soul
Even though humans are not equal, they have equal ______