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This animal is known for its black and white fur and love for bamboo: a) Panda b) Rhino c) Leopard d) Lizard
a) Panda
Which natural event is characterized by a sudden shaking or vibration? a) Drought b) Earthquake c) Flood d) Thunderstorm
b) Earthquake
What is the term used for the act of reusing materials instead of throwing them away? a) Recycle b) Save c) Throw away d) Pollute
a) Recycle
This animal is known for its sharp beak and strong wingspan: a) Fox b) Gorilla c) Eagle d) Turtle
c) Eagle
Which term refers to the somethiong left by a person's shoe on the ground? a) Fingerprint b) Footprint c) Robbery d) Thief
b) Footprint
Which word refers to a person who steals? a) Criminal b) Detective c) Fingerprint d) Witness
a) Criminal
Which term describes the act of creating a new music? a) Write / compose a song b) Go on tour c) Have an audition d) Join a band
a) Write / compose a song
What is the term used for when a musician plays their instrument without the audience? a) Give a concert b) Go on tour c) Practise an instrument d) Sign an autograph
c) Practise an instrument
What is the term used for when a musician travels from city to city to perform? a) Give a concert b) Go on tour c) Join a band d) Record an album
b) Go on tour
What is the term used for when a musician performs in front of a live audience? a) Give a concert b) Record an album c) Have an audition d) Sign an autograph
a) Give a concert
What instrument is commonly used in punk music? a) Cello b) Drums c) Electric guitar d) Trumpet
c) Electric guitar
This music genre originated from the fusion of African and European musical traditions: a) Folk b) Heavy metal c) Hip hop d) Latin
d) Latin
The city of Vienna is known for its rich history in which music style? a) Jazz b) Classical c) Punk d) Rock
b) Classical