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Talents 15th anniversary

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Name at least 2 special dates we celebrate every year
Easter - Students Day - Child's Day - Animals' Day - Halloween - Talents birthday
How many groups are currently attending classes at Talents?
The first years Talents was near a well known sports club. Which one?
Atlético Boxing Club
How many classrooms are there in Talents?
How many teachers are part of Talents staff?
How many male teachers work at Talents?
Which song did we all sing for an end of year act in which some students were recorded playing different instruments?
Fix you by Coldplay
Who is the girl whose mother was our secretary some years ago?
what colour is mainly associated with our institute?
She is our youngest teacher at Talents
Miss Micaela
How many groups have already graduated form our institute?
She is always ready to help students, teachers and parents at Talents
This teacher should get the most original award for his costumes for Halloween
Mr Benito
These students are part of a swimming team who won a tournament in Esquel a few weeks ago
Lourdes, Alma and Facu
These 3 kids are closely related to Miss Gise, Miss Ceci and Miss Moni. Who are they?
Santi, Guada and Facu
He is one of our teachers' brother
They are twins and they have been part of Talents since they were 4 years old
Allegra and Panchi
One of our teachers who became a mother last year
Miss Mariana
When is Talents bitrhday?
May 5th
Which special date do we celebrate at Talents in October?