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Business idioms and Expressions

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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“She worked day and night for a fortnight to finish the proposal.”
a period of two weeks
“I only have a couple minutes to chat; just give me a helicopter view of the report.”
a general idea of what’s happening
"The ball’s in your court now.”
to have the responsibility or to take action
“I have a lot on my plate since my supervisor quit last week.”
to have a lot of responsibilities
“Don’t expect a promotion if you’re constantly slacking off.”
to work lazily
“It may be a good idea, but the bottom line is that it’s not profitable.”
بيت القصيد the most important part
“My boss and I don’t always see eye to eye on this"
to agree
“The employees made small talk about their weekends while waiting outside the board room.”
a discussion about everyday topics
“There will be random testing on this, so stay on your toes.”
to stay alert
“Let’s all communicate constantly so we are on the same page.”
to have a shared understanding with others
“Stop looking at past examples and think outside the box.”
to go beyond a normal idea
“Company outings are a nice change of pace from our regular work week.”
to do something different from a normal routine
“Our manager is burning the midnight oil to meet every deadline.”
to consistently work beyond normal business hours
The client rejected our original concept, so it’s "back to the drawing board.”
to start again after a plan or idea was not successful
"keep me in the loop" means
to keep one informed of what events are occurring.
. "Don't Drop the Ball on This One" means...
not to let the opportunity slip away and to ensure that all efforts are made to complete the task at hand.
"Can You Get the Ball Rolling for Us?" means
to make things happen or get things started.
"Take It and Run with It." means
to start working on the idea right away and see how far you can take it.
"Please Keep Me Posted." means
to be kept up-to-date on what is happening with the project or situation
"Please Get Me Up to Speed." What does it mean
fill them in on all the important details that they may have missed.