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Present Perfect

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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He has not spoken to her _________ the accident. (for / since)
He has not spoken to her since the accident.
I have not eaten_______________. (alread / yet)
I have not eaten yet.
They have studied here ____________ 8 years. (for / since)
They have studied here for 8 years.
She has dated that guy ___________ 2005. (for / since)
She has dated that guy since 2005.
She has lived here _____________ a long time. (for / since)
She has lived here for a long time.
I have lived here _______________last Monday. (for / since)
I have lived here since last Monday.
She has been married _____________ twenty years. (for / since)
She has been married for twenty years.
I have lived here _______________ nine years. (for / since)
I have lived here for nine years.
He has not done anything wrong ____________. (alread / yet)
He has not done anything wrong yet.
Have you _________ considered our proposal? (alread / yet)
Have you already considered our proposal?
Have you found it________________? (alread / yet)
Have you found it yet?
I have not found a suitable place to stay __________. (alread / yet)
I have not found a suitable place to stay yet.
I have _____________ eaten. (already/ yet)
I have already eaten.