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Certificate of Origin (C/O)

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How many types of C/O are legalized by the Chamber of Commerce? What are they?: 6/5/3/2 types
2 types (Preferential and Non-preferential COs)
For the special product like coffee, can we apply and use a specific C/O form? What is this?: C/O form ICO; C/O form S; and C/O form B
C/O form ICO
In the procedure to apply for C/O, how many copies of C/O form do we need?: 4/6/3/5 copies
3 copies
The concept of MFN treatment is an essential principle of international trade, governed by which organization?: WTO/AJCEP/CPTPP/RCEP
True/False: Vietnam is included in the list of countries enjoying the GSP preferences of Australia, Estonia, and the United States.
For exporting goods to ASEAN countries eligible for preferential tariffs under the CEPT Agreement: C/O form AI; C/O form D; and C/O form E
C/O form D
For exporting goods to all countries, issued according to non-preferential origin regulations: C/O form E; C/O form O; and C/O form B
C/O form B
For exporting goods to countries eligible for Generalized System of Preferences (GSP): C/O form A; C/O form B; and C/O form O
C/O form A
For exporting goods to Japan eligible for preferential tariffs under the Vietnam-Japan Agreement: C/O form AANZ; C/O form VJ; and C/O form VC
C/O form VJ
For exporting goods to Korea and ASEAN countries eligible for preferential tariffs under the ASEAN-Korea Agreement: C/O form AI; C/O form AK; and C/O form VJ
C/O form AK
For exporting goods to China and ASEAN countries eligible for preferential tariffs under the ASEAN-China Agreement: C/O form E; C/O form VC; and C/O form S
C/O form E