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The circle of life

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How do vaccines work?
Vaccines use the virus to teach the organism how to fight it, using its memory cells. They are a prevention against viral diseases.
Can you explain the life cycle of an animal?
Varied answer.
What is a food chain?
It describes how different organisms eat each other, starting out with a plant and ending with the decomposition made by mircoorganisms.
What are the categories of organisms in a food chain? Can you give an example?
Producers, consumers and decomposers.
Can you cite the main stages of the water cycle?
Evaporation (from oceans, rivers and lakes), transpiration (from plants), condensation (clouds) and precipitation (rain or snow).
What is animal adaptation? Give examples.
An adaptation is the modification of a physical or behavioral feature of an animal that helps them better survive in their environment.
Give examples of good and bad microorganisms.
Good: edible fungi, yeast, good bacteria. Bad: mold, viruses, bad bacteria etc.
What are some differences between bacteria and viruses?
The size, the structure, if they need a host or not. Vaccines vs. antibiotics.
How can we stop spreading germs?
Washing our hands, not sharing personal objects, covering our nose and mouth when sneezing and coughing, wearing masks etc.
What are microbes?
Microorganisms are tiny organisms that can't be seen with the unaided eye. Ex. Bacteria, viruses and fungi.