Edit Game
Book 4 Chapter 2

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Those cool musicians play beautifully together. They _____ practiced a lot.
must have
could have
shouldn't have
would have
I called the Stevensons, but no one answered. They _____ gone to the country.
might have
may have
must have
should have
If we had known about the lecture, we _____ attended it.
would have
could not have
must have
should have
Why did my son become a low paying circus clown when he _____ become a wealthy lawyer?
could have
must have
may have
should have
Did Marvin's cat pass away? He _____ felt really sad.
must have
could have
should have
might have
I _____ answered the phone yesterday because I wasn't home.
could not have
may not have
could have
must have
Andrea is late for work. There _____ been a lot of traffic on the Bay Bridge.
must have
could not have
might not have
should have
We _____ gone to Hawaii for vacation if we had known it was going to rain the whole time.
would not have
must have
should have
could have
Andrew hurt his hand while he was fixing his sink. He _____ been more careful.
should have
must have
would not have
could not have
The boss is in a terrible mood today. He _____ had a very good cup of coffee.
must not have
must have
could have
should not have
They _____ enjoyed the party if more of their friends had been there.
would have
couldn't have
must have
should have
You _____ thrown out that painting. It might be worth something.
shouldn't have
could have
must have
may have
The ground is very dry this morning. It _____ rained last night.
must not have
could not have
should not have
would not have
The ground is very wet this morning. It _____ rained last night.
must have
couldn't have
should have
would have
Be careful. That floor is wet. You _____ slipped.
could have
should have
must have
couldn't have
Bill slept too late but he got to work on time. He's lucky. He _____ missed the bus.
could have
should have
must have
may have
I'm not sure. I _____ left my keys at home.
might have
should have
would have
must have
It was a good movie. You _____ seen it.
should have
could have
might have
must have
We couldn't hear our teacher all day. He _____ spoken louder.
should have
must have
may have
would have
Nancy did very well on her history test. She _____ studied hard.
must have
might have
should have
could have