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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is the worst case complexity of a quick sort algorithm?
O(𝒏^𝟐 )
Which sorting algorithm uses a pivot point?
Quick sort
Which sorting algorithm splits a list of items into individual lists?
We are sorting the following list in ascending order: 5 4 2 9 3 1 8 What does the list look like after ONE pass of the selection sort algorithm?
1 4 2 9 3 5 8
Using a binary search why will the number 9 never be found in the following list: 11, 8, 13, 9, 7, 3
The list is not in order
The following lists represent 3 passes of a sorting algorithm. Which algorithm is being used to sort the list?
Bubble Sort
When is Binary Search preferred over Linear Search?
Sorted Array
The maximum comparisons needed in Binary Search on array of size 16 is:
What is the first change that insertion sort would make to this sequence? “6 2 5 9”
2 6 5 9
Make the following function return the following number in the fibonacci sequence
What output is displayed after the following segment of code executes:
10 an infinite number of times. top() simply copies the top element of the stack. Use push() to remove an element from the stack.
In linked list implementation of a queue, the important condition for a queue to be empty is?
FRONT is null
If the sequence of operations - push (1), push (2), pop, push (1), push (2), pop, pop, pop, push (2), pop are performed on a stack, the sequence of popped out values
If the elements “A”, “B”, “C” and “D” are placed in a queue and are deleted one at a time, in what order will they be removed?
The object in the image resembles which data structure
Linked List
How many null pointers exists in a circular linked list?
What advantage does a linked list have over an array?
A linked list is not of a fixed size
Specify whether the statement below is valid or invalid.
What is the output of the following program segment?
In C++ what the following command does: delete a;
Free memory allocated for the variable
When struct is used instead of the keyword class means, what will happen in the program?
access is public by default
Given the following Banana class in C++. Create a new Banana object properly
Banana sample("yellow");
A function that changes the values of an object's attributes in a Class is also known as a:
A function can have _____ inside the parenthesis
A ________ is blue print that defines certain characteristics and behavior. It is simply a representation of different types of objects.