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Mrs. Baamboozle game week 34

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The cake needs to bake for 30 minutes. If you put the cake in at 8:00, what time should you take it out of the oven?
What is a telegram?
It was a way to send a message electronically before cell phones
How many caterpillars are in each cup?
What shape are the caterpillars when they start to turn into chrysalis?
J shape
What is the other dog we have in our school?
Why is Morgan so good at smelling things?
She has over 200,000 smell sensors. So much more than humans
How does Morgan eat her food?
She doesn't get to eat out of a dog dish. She only gets her food from Officer Connor's hand
Using next dollar up, how much would you need for the milk?
Looking at the pie chart, which pet do people have the most of?
In our Movie why doesn't the coach want his players to talk to the press?
He thinks it will get in their head and make them nervous
What does it mean if someone is cocky?
They are too sure of themselves
Using next dollar up how much would you need for the goldfish
Using the next dollar up how much would you need for the oreos?
what time is it?
How many people like baking?
Is Bianca really Ebony's friend?
No her dad paid her $5 to be her friend
What is this cartoon called from the 80's?
Rainbow bright
On "Baking it" How did they show the winner?
They had a cake made for each group and then exploded the ones that didn't win
"In baking it" what did someone do on a first date that is a NOT when it comes to social skills?
Took their shoes off and showed her his webbed toes
In our book, what does mom call the kids that Amber Grace has met in the city?
street urchin
What does Ebony Grace call New York City?
No Joke City
What is double dutch in our book?
jump ropes using two ropes
What is the sleep on it rule?
to put time and space between the event and our reaction
What does it mean to self advocate for yourself?
Ask someone for help or telling people what you need