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Mountains and Mountain Ranges

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This type of mountain is called
Volcanic mountain
This type of mountain is called
Fault-block mountains
This type of mountain is called
Fold mountain
This type of mountain is called
Dome mountain
The area coloured in pink is called
The (Pacific) Ring of Fire
This diagram shows an example of a 

. boundary.
This diagram shows an example of a 

. boundary.
This diagram shows a type of 

.. boundary.
This diagram shows a 

. boundary.
Which part of a mountain can you find moss and lichens?
The area close to the peak of the mountain
For every 100 metres you climb, the temperature drops by
0.65 °C
Mountains cover _______ of the Earth’s total land areas.
a quarter
What is the name of the biggest mountain ranges in Australia?
The Great Dividing Range
What is the name of the super continent in the continental drift theory?
Continental currents can move the plates by up to ___ centimetres per year.
The heat-driven cycles that occur in the air, ocean, and mantle is called
Convection currents
semi-fluid material below or within the earth's crust is called
The individual moving pieces of the Earth’s crust are called
continental plates
Mountains and mountain ranges have formed over billions of years from
Tectonic activity
The rotation of the Earth
Volcanic eruptions
What is the vegetation type in the bottom area of a mountain?
a thick rainforest
It is usually colder at the top of a mountain than at the bottom, because
The air becomes thinner and is less able to hold heat.
It snows a lot at the top.
It is too far from the sea.
It is close to the space.
There are thousands of mountains in mainland Australia. True or False?
Mount Kosciuszko is located in
New South Wales
Western Australia
Mountains are found in ______ of all the world’s countries.
Mountains are found on every continent. True or False?
How many mountains are there in the world?
more than one million
more than ten million
more than one hundred million
more than one billion
The tallest mountain from base to peak is
Mauna Kea
The altitude of Mt Everest above mean sea level is
8,848 metres
7,748 metres
4,484 metres
8, 488 metres
The Alps is located in South America. True or False?
Which is the definition of a mountain?
a landform that rises 300m + above its surrounding area
a landform which is higher than its surrounding area
a landform that rises 200m + above its surrounding area
a landform which is lower than its surrounding area
A peak of a mountain is called
A summit
Steep valleys  between  mountains located very close to each other are called
In which mountain range is Mt. Everest located?
The Himalayas
The Great Dividung Range
The Alps
The Atlas
The highest mountain in Australia is
Mount Kosciuszko
Blue mountains
Snowy mountains
Mount Kembla