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Unit 2 (Review) - Insight Intermediate

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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"We cooked our own meals". What type of holiday is it?
Self-catering holiday
"We didn't go away, but we did some day trips". What type of holiday is it?
"We lent our flat to an American family while we stayed at their place in New York". What type of holiday is it?
House swap
"We organized our own holiday last year." What type of holiday is it?
DIY holiday
"They took us to see all the monuments in Rome". What type of holiday is it?
Sightseeing holiday
"We got a fixed price for the flight, the hotel and all our meals". What type of holiday is it?
Package holiday
What type of holiday is this?
Coach tour
"We spent the weekend exploring Paris". What type of holiday is it?
City break
What type of holiday is this?
Working holiday
What type of holiday is this?
What type of holiday is this?
Adventure holiday
What type of holiday is this?
Backpacking holiday
A short outing to one place for pleasure is called...
Travelling from place to place with an organised group
A journey by air is a...
A short or long journey for business or pleasure is a...
A long journey which is often scientific is known as...
A journey on a ship or spacecraft is a...
A difficult walk, lasting several days or weeks is a...
It starts with "M" and in the USA there are a lot of them, for example, M50.
What's the name of the place between the seats?
The place where passengers eat while they travel by train.
Buffet car
This is a ..., which is one of the parts of the train.
This is the place where you put your belongings in a coach or train.
Luggage rack
You put your luggage into this.
Overhead locker
You see this in a train station... It's the place where the train stops.
Each coach has its... what?
What's the name of this? The plane is on it.
What's this?
What are these? The name starts with T.
What does this picture represent? (Hint: It's the name of the journey)