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Life skills Workplace safety

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How do you get help?
Say I need help. Ask your boss or coworkers.
How do you keep your hands clean?
Wash hands. Use hand sanitizers.
When do you tell if someone gets hurt?
Right away.
After work
When you get home
What does this sign mean?
Poison. Do not eat or drink.
What does this sign mean?
The floor is wet. You could slip.
How do you clean glass on the floor?
Use a broom and dust pan
Use your Hands
Use your Feet
Why shouldn’t you carry too many boxes at one time?
You can’t see. It might be too heavy. They could fall.
Would you run at work?
No, walk do not run
Yes, always run
How to you reach an item on a high shelf?
Use a ladder
Climb the shelf
Stretch your hands
When do you use a Caution sign?
When the floor is wet
When you take a break
At the front door
What do you do when there is trash on the floor?
Pick it up
Leave it there
Step on it
What kind of shoes are safe for work?
Tennis shoes
High heels
Name 1 safety goals at Australian workplaces
No Accidents./ No one gets hurt./No damages