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Pre-Roman, Roman and Visigoth Hispania

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is this Visigothic arch called?
Horseshoe arch
What does this image represent?
Recaredo's conversion from Arianism to Catholicism.
What peoples did the Visigoths expel from the Iberian Peninsula in the name of Rome?
Suevi, Vandals and Alans
The Visigoths were hired by the Romans as ... soldiers.
What kind of monument is this?
What was the name of the Roman method for extracting gold from the mountains of Leon?
Ruina montium
What are the following Roman cities called today: Emerita Augusta, Caesar Augusta, Legio?
Mérida, Zaragoza, León
Which emperor made this provincial division of Hispania?
Who came to Hispania at the end of the 1st century BC to defeat the Cantabrians and Asturians?
Emperor Augustus
What Celtiberian people heroically endured a long Roman siege in the 2nd century BC?
What famous quote was said by the Roman centurion when Viriato's assassins went to collect their reward?
Rome does not pay traitors.
Who was the famous Lusitanian leader who fought the Romans and was betrayed by his generals?
What people settled in the Iberian Peninsula in the 3rd century BC and fought the Romans for years?
What colonizing culture settled in the Levant and founded Emporion (Ampurias)?
What is the colonizing culture that first settled in the Iberian Peninsula and founded Cádiz?
The Lady of Elche is an example of... sculpture.
Vettones and Lusitanians are examples of .... peoples.
What southern culture was famous for its wealth?
What pre-Roman culture settled in the center of the Iberian Peninsula, between two other great civilizations?
What pre-Roman culture settled on the Cantabrian coast and the west of the Peninsula?
What pre-Roman culture settled on the Mediterranean coast and pre-coast?